so we've got 2 weeks left in Australia! we leave on the 5th September! But the adventure has only just begun....we spend 3 weeks in New Zealand and have already come up with a list of things to see there and booked a jucy camper! After there we head to Fiji for a week of relaxation and sunshine! Then a week in Hawaii, where we will celebrate my birthday =D And then we're off to America and Canada, so we will be back in England on the 18th November. A little sooner than planned but at least we will definatley be home for Christmas. All the flights are booked just got accomodation to sort out now.
In other news...George has managed to break his second snowboard of the season. To be honest though the boards were dodgy so hopefully he can get a replacement before we leave. We're hoping to go snowboarding in New Zealand. =D
Havent really been out Snowboarding much this week. The weathers not been so good, we've had lots of snow though. The hotels been busy aswell and will be up until we leave apparantly so theres lots of work still to do =(
Other than that, theres not alot else to tell. Will keep you guys posted when we get to New Zealand!
Hope everythings hunky dorey back home!! we miss you guys!